you have kids, especially teenagers, you will
come across situations when you will find your
kids driving you crazy. You may feel
frustrated and helpless in such situations
like many other parents. If you are looking
for tips to help change your childrens’
attitude and behavior then look no more
because this article gives you tips on how you
can stop your children from driving you crazy
so you can gain control over them and in your
first thing to note is that if your kid does
something that drives you really crazy and
makes you angry or upset, do not show your
feelings or get angry all of a sudden. If you
scold them or get angry, your kids will repeat
the same thing again just to drive you crazy.
The thing to do is to be patient and learn a
simple and effective method of discipline and
follow it. These methods do not involve a lot
of emotion and talking as talking usually has
little effect on kids.
parents give up very quickly or get angry if
they feel disrespected by their kids. They may
also feel that they have wasted a lot of time
and energy to change their child. However,
that is not the case and as a parent, you
should concentrate on improving self-control
and remove any anger or stress
you feel as a result of your child’s
behavior. This is the best parenting advice
you will find anywhere because if you expose
your emotional reaction to your child, it
shows that your child is in charge. By
exercising self control, you will make sure
that you are in control of the situation, and
only then will you be able to do something
about your child’s behavior.
parents resort to spanking and yelling when
their kids drive them crazy. This is again a
wrong approach as it will only lead your child
to be more moody and hyper sensitive, leading
to even more irrational thinking and behavior.
Children usually show mood swings and a change
in their attitudes and behavior when they feel
that they have been disrespected in any
way. Usually kids between the ages of 7 years
to 14 years are more likely to show mood
swings and a change in behavior, so the
earlier you and your child learn to deal with
mood swings and changes in behavior; the
better it would be for you and your child.
if you are dealing with out of control
teenagers or pre-teens, go for
cut-to-the-chase parenting strategies which
work immediately instead of spending months
and years dealing with your kids. These
strategies work with all kinds of annoying
kids, whether they argue with you or other
adults, show their temper and mood swings,
refuse to obey orders and follow rules or
regulations or simply annoy other people
deliberately. By dealing with the situations
appropriately, you will reduce parent-child
conflicts and lead to a healthy and friendly
relationship with your children.
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Snugglers™ Take the Stress out of Baby’s
Feeding Time
mom loved the product so much she bought the
company to give it new life-
25, 2009
Jennifer Marko
, Bottle Snugglers,
, jennifer@bottlesnugglers.com
–Just when your baby starts to peacefully
take her bottle, the doorbell rings, another
child needs your help, or you just want to
have a bite of your well-deserved lunch.
Until now, trying to accomplish any of these
tasks would take away bonding time with baby
or cause frustration for the caregiver.
A new product promises to give caregivers back
that one coveted free hand, all without
disturbing valuable time with baby.
Snugglers Feeding Time Helpers are plush
stuffed animals designed to hold baby’s
bottle at the same angle as Mom’s hand.
The wide animal base, which is available in
puppy, teddy bear, cow or pig styles, sits on
baby’s tummy as Mom holds her. Then,
the bottle is inserted into a soft,
velour-covered elastic band, and the band is
attached to the base with hook and loop
fasteners at a customized angle for any baby.
Now, baby is happily having lunch, and Mom has
one hand free to deal with whatever comes her
product was on the market briefly under
another name, when it got the attention of a
couple looking for a helping hand during their
baby’s feeding time. It worked so well
and was admired by so many other parents that
Jennifer and Adam Marko decided to buy the
company. “Like many other parents, we
had tried propping the bottle under our chins
or on a blanket, but that wasn’t
practical,” said Jennifer Marko, President
of Marko Holdings, Inc., the parent company of
Bottle Snugglers. “We thought that
someone surely had invented something to help
with this need, but when I ordered several
different products, Bottle Snugglers were the
only ones that actually worked,” she said.
Jennifer and Adam have backgrounds in
advertising, marketing and public relations,
saw a need in the infant market that wasn’t
being filled. So they bought the company, gave
the image a makeover, and re-launched bottle
Snugglers in November of 2008.
reactions of people who saw us using the
Bottle Snuggler were hard to ignore,” Marko
Holdings, Inc., C.E.O. Adam Marko added.
“We heard so many grandparents saying they
wished it was available when they had babies
and from new parents who were surprised there
was actually a product to help with feeding.
That showed us that there was a true need,
especially with parents of multiples,” he
Snugglers are now available online and are
being picked up by retailers across the
A television campaign is planned for
summer of 2009, and sales have increased each
month since the launch of the company’s new
website earlier this year. Currently,
Bottle Snugglers are the only product for
Marko Holdings, Inc., but the owners have
plans to expand the line in the coming years.
Holdings, Inc., is a Jacksonville,
Florida-based company, which produces and
Snugglers Feeding Time Helpers. Visit us
online at www.bottlesnugglers.com,
call 1-800-385-SNUG.
not always easy to sit down with your family
for dinner—soccer practice, jobs, and
homework sometimes get in the way. But
studies show that it's worth the effort.
Children who eat dinner with their families
have healthier diets, greater emotional
stability, and better grades. Plus, sitting
down to dinner together is a great way to
keep the lines of communication open.
Here are a few tips
for making the most of family dinners:
a routine.
stick to it. Let your family decide how many
meals to share each week, and then agree to
avoid other commitments and appointments on
those nights.
your children.
the smallest kids can fold napkins or put a
fork by each plate. And be sure to encourage
them to help clean up, as well.
their palates.
to make delicious and nutritious meals the
whole family will enjoy. If you know someone
might not enjoy the "main course,"
try to serve a popular side dish.
it a rule to leave the TV off and let the
answering machine or voice mail pick up the
the conversation started.
of questions to get your kids talking about
their days:
it positive.
isn't the best time to discuss issues that
could turn into an argument. And remember,
spills happen! So don't let a little
accident spoil the mood.
Remember, family meals may be some trouble
at first, but soon you'll find you won't
want to give them up. Years from now, you'll
be glad you didn't!
Wife Becomes First Military
Spouse Naturalized Overseas
Forces Press Service
June 2008 – Zita
Chouchan, the wife of a U.S.
Army soldier, became a citizen
of the United States on May 29
at the U.S. Consulate in
Frankfurt, Germany, in the
first overseas naturalization
ceremony for a military

director of
poses with
Army Sgt. 1st
Class Lom
Chouchan, Zita
Chouchan, and
the couple’s
Atilla and
Eva, at the
U.S. Consulate
in Frankfurt,
Germany, May
29, 2008. Zita
Chouchan took
oath as the
first military
spouse living
overseas to
become a
U.S. citizen
under a newly
enacted law.
Photo courtesy
of U.S.
(Click photo
Jonathan Scharfen, acting
director of U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration Services,
presided over the ceremony,
which also included 20
soldiers stationed throughout
Germany and Kosovo.
"This week, as we observe
Memorial Day, we take time to
reflect upon the sacrifices
our military and their
families make to defend the
freedoms America offers,"
Scharfen said. "Words
cannot express our profound
appreciation for the honorable
service you provide. You make
us proud to be
In her letter to USCIS seeking
the opportunity to conduct her
naturalization process and
ceremony overseas, Chouchan
said, "I'm very proud.
… Not everyone has earned
the right to be called a
military spouse."
When President Bush signed the
fiscal 2008 National Defense
Authorization Act into law in
January, portions of the
Immigration and Nationality
Act changed to allow certain
military spouses to naturalize
overseas where they are
stationed. Before then,
spouses could naturalize only
while physically within the
United States.
Chouchan’s husband, Army
Sgt. 1st Class Lom Chouchan,
became a naturalized U.S.
citizen in 1995. His family
fled their native Cambodia in
the 1970s, spending the next
five years in a refugee camp
before a Toledo, Ohio, family
sponsored them as immigrants
in the United States. His
family later moved to Long
Beach, Calif., where he
graduated from high school
before joining the Army.
(From a U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services news
Related Sites:
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Chouchan completes paperwork
with Emigdio Martinez, senior
adjudications officer for U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration
Services in Frankfurt,
Germany. Photo courtesy of
U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services
high-resolution |
Chouchan, the first military
spouse to become a naturalized
U.S. citizen overseas, accepts
congratulations from Jonathan
Scharfen, acting director of
U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, and
Kristina Carty-Pratt, director
of the USCIS field office in
Frankfurt, Germany, May 29,
2008. Photo courtesy of U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration
high-resolution |
Children Launch Communication Web Site
By Steven
Donald Smith
American Forces Press Service
April 2008
Children of U.S. soldiers spearheaded a
project to launch a Web site that enables Army
youth around the world to communicate with
each other.
The "Real Teens Connected" Web
site, which went live this winter, is a
product of the Army's Child and Youth Services
Army Teen Panel, and is geared toward
teenagers 13-18 years old. The site offers a
variety of services to all Army-affiliated
youth, including news updates, relocation
information and stories written by Army kids.
"Kids want to connect with other kids
who are in like situations," Pamela
"PK" Tomlinson, deputy director of
the Army's Child and Youth Services, said.
"The idea was a Web site that would focus
on linking all teens, regardless of military
component, in a venue they are all familiar
with and like to use, which is the
A secure online chat room and bulletin
board will soon be added. "The reason we
wanted to incorporate a secure chat room and a
bulletin board is to create a safe site where
the teens can talk to each other," said
Donna McGrath, a sports and fitness program
manager for the U.S. Army Community and Family
Support Center and senior adult adviser for
the Army Teen Panel.
The Web site will allow the teens to
express "what it's like to be the child
of a military person, and just talk about
what's going on with them," McGrath said.
"It is absolutely youth led."
The idea for the Web site was spawned when
Army Teen Panel members came together and
realized they needed a way to better
communicate with each other. After determining
the Internet was the best method to do this,
they brought the idea to the adults, Tomlinson
After the adults agreed about the merits of
the project, the teens created a mission
statement and marketing plan and designed the
registration process, she said.
"It's a youth-generated,
adult-mentored process that the Army Teen
Panel undertook over a period of little less
than a year - to develop and come up with a
marketing plan and talk about goals and
objectives," Tomlinson said.
The panel is a group of teens who meet
twice a year to discuss concerns that affect
Army youth and work on projects to help
resolve these concerns. Members of the panel
come from active, Reserve and Guard families,
and each command and national region comprises
the membership, Tomlinson said.
The Real Teens Connected project had a
"soft launch" at this year's Army
Family Action Plan Conference in January, she
said, and will be rolled out with more fanfare
this month, which is designated as the Month
of the Military Child.
The Real Teens Connected Web page is hosted
through the Boys and Girls Club of America
YouthNet Web site, www.bgcayouthnet.org --
first-time users must register there before
accessing the Real Teen Connected page.
Returning users then just click on the
"Army Teens" menu tab and type their
user name and password to enter. Eligible
youths must also have an Army Knowledge Online
account that is sponsored through a parent or
The goal is to have 18,000 kids register on
the Web site over the next six months and to
eventually move the site up to the Defense
Department level, where children of all
services and DoD civilians can communicate,
Tomlinson said.
"Needless to say, we're very excited
about this program," Tomlinson said.
"These teenagers are really phenomenal