Incorporated by an act of
Congress in 1937, the Marine Corps League
perpetuates the traditions and spirit of ALL Marines who
wear or who have worn the eagle, globe and anchor of the
At Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 25
April 1913, Marines of the Second Provisional Brigade formed the
Marine Corps Association. John A. Lejeune, then a lieutenant
colonel, headed its first executive committee. The
purposes for which the MCA was formed have not changed: to
disseminate knowledge of the military art and science among
members; to provide for professional
advancement; to foster the spirit and
preserve the traditions of the Marine Corps; to
increase the efficiency of the Marine Corps and to further the
interest of the military naval services in all ways not
inconsistent with the good of the general government.
FRA is the professional
non-profit organization representing the interests of the
Enlisted members of the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and
Coast Guard.
Military Medical
of Aviation Odnancemen of the US Navy
Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons (AMOPS)
was established in 1977 to serve and represent osteopathic
physicians in the uniformed services.

of US Military Surgeons
AMSUS (the Association of Military
Surgeons of the United States) has been working for the Federal
Health Care professional since its conception in 1891.
Originally a physicians' organization, AMSUS is focused on all

General Associations
Association of
Old Crows
is a nonprofit professional organization that promotes
Electronic Defense/Information Superiority to maintain national
Forces Communications and Electronics Association
AFCEA's roots trace back to pre-civil
war days and was formally founded in 1946. This international
non-profit association represents the professional
communications, electronics, intelligence, and information
systems community.
Services YMCA
The year 1861 is usually considered
the beginning of YMCA service to the military. Dedicated YMCA
volunteers went to the battlefields of the Civil War beside
America's uniformed young men. President Lincoln praised YMCA
leaders for their "benevolent undertaking for the benefit
of the soldiers."
Area Officer Association
Star Wives of America
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. is a
non-profit national service organization, incorporated in the
State of New York on December 15, 1945, dedicated to serving the
military spouse.