Scholarship Available for Military Sons and Daughters!
William S. Stuhr Scholarship Fund for Military Sons and
Daughters announces that the year 2007 scholarships will be available. These scholarships will be awarded to high school
seniors of active-duty or retired career members of each of the
five branches of the U.S. Armed Services worldwide.
Each of the five scholarships is for $4,500 divided
equally over four years.
The Stuhr
Scholarship Fund currently has 20 previous winners studying at
20 universities in 14 states, with three out of four on their
Deans’ Lists. Over the next four years the Fund is committed
to awarding a cumulative $90,000 in stipends to five gifted
family members from the Services.
The Stuhr Scholarship Fund, founded in 1965, is the only
privately supported, international scholarship for aiding
families of each of the five Services.
Its aim is to become the Rhodes Scholarship of the
military community.
be eligible, students:
be a 2006 high school senior.
have a junior year and first half of senior year in the top 10
percent of his/her class.
have evidence of extracurricular activities, and demonstrated
leadership potential.
be a bona fide
dependent of an active duty or retired career military member,
either officer, or enlisted person.
be planning to attend a four year accredited college.
be prepared to be our guest, with parent(s) at a scholarship
awards function given in late May or early June
transportation furnished by the Scholarship Fund.).
criteria may be obtained by:
Writing and enclosing a self-addressed envelope to the
Executive Director, CDR Stuhr Scholarship Fund, 1200
Fifth Avenue, Suite 9-D, New York, NY 10029
Sending your request with your name and address by e-mail
to stuhrstudents@earthlink.net
scholarship is not available for students already attending
college or to dependants of Reservists.
applications must be received by February 15th.
Extension to February 28 is