Matt Steel, Country Break Thru Artist offers free song
download to all who serve!
To find out more about Matt Steel, click
here has teamed up with Matt Steel, one
of the most formative Country Artists of our time. As part of
his tribute to the US Armed Forces, he is offering the US
armed forces' visitors to a free song
download. Military members and their families can click
on to Win Big on the Web Sweepstakes and receive a copy of his
latest song and view his commemorative video “Getting Back
to Me Again.”
As Justin “CT” Florence – Mid-day Drive Jock – KYYK
98.3 FM (Palestine, TX) points out, "Matt Steel is one of
THE BEST up and coming Country Artists that I've heard in my
radio career. He's got a voice that's original, and not a
carbon copy of every other artist you hear today. His
personality reflects a man that loves to entertain, and a man
that loves Country Music. Not only would I buy his music, but
I'd pay money to see him perform live."
This unique offer is in conjunction with MilitaryPartners’
Pepsi’s Race to the Finish Lines sweepstakes, in which
weekly prizes will be given out to military members who enter
into Win Big on the Web. For more information on how to
win Matt Steel’s song and be entered into MilitaryPartners'
tenth anniversary sweepstakes, click onto Win
Big on the Web sweepstakes now.
Since 1998, MilitaryPartners has partnered with leading
companies, such as Pepsi-Cola, Volvo Military Sales, Delta Air
Lines and many more, in reaching out to America’s best.
By providing a one-stop military benefit resource guide, this
site provides all the resources to locate valuable information
in such areas as GI Benefits, Support Groups, Military
Scholarships and many more.